The Mysterious Life of Crystal

Oh, hey. Guess you're here for some information about me, huh? That would make sense, I suppose.

I go by Crys normally, but Crystal works, too. I've been using this name online for as long as I've had an online presence. Neopets, Webkinz, GaiaOnline - you name it, I had a name with "crystal" in it. It's a little more elegant now, but I couldn't just drop the name altogether!

I started this website on a whim because my friends in a Discord server were talking about theirs. I figured it couldn't hurt to snag a URL and maybe just... make a little personal blog or something. My own little slice of the internet. It's neat, at least!

I consider myself a pretty big nerd. Video games, books, anime - you name it, I'm probably into it. I've got entirely too many hobbies that are all expensive as hell. I crochet, I write, I cosplay... I do a little bit of everything, it feels like, and yet I'm not super great at anything. But that's okay! Jack of all trades, master of none... but better than a master of one!

I enjoy streaming games with my friends, talking shit about said games, long walks on the beach (no, really), and generally being left to my own devices. Once again, this space is really just for me, so if you see something you don't like, maybe, I dunno, just stop looking at it.